There's just something about the silhouette of a house that screams "HALLOWEEN!" to me! On one of my many trips to the Target Dollar Spot, I picked up this cute 7"X9" chalkboard shaped house...it even has a stand on the back for displaying. If you can't find a house shape, think about other shapes which are readily available at craft and school supply stores.
To begin I used the "Starry Night" stencil and dry-brushed white acrylic paint over the chalkboard area.

Next I outlined the roof with a strip of washi tape that I applied to leftover cardstock. A couple of wooden buttons from my stash goes nicely with the wood edging of the chalkboard.
For the box on the front of the chalkboard: A 4"X5" piece of white cardstock was layered with a basketweave of two different patterns of washi tape. I machine stitched around the perimeter to secure the tape.
Next I made a box base using two 1"X5" strips of chipboard for the sides and a sheet of 5"X7" patterned paper. The paper was scored at 0.5", 1.5", 5.5" and 6.5". The 1" chipboard strips were glued along the 1" scored sections (to make the sides sturdy). I cut a 4"X2" strip of paper and glued it to the bottom of the paper strip; this will be the bottom flap of the box. After folding along the score lines, the two smaller 1/2" flaps were glued to the back of the box front (basketweave piece) and then to the chalkboard house.