November is ending and the date that I love the most is arriving… Christmas is coming!!!
It’ll be a different Christmas; I won't be able to spend it with my parents. We’ll have Christmas just for me and my husband, but that doesn’t make this moment less special. Christmas is time to celebrate life! And to record this very important moment, I’ll show you a Sn@p! inspiration using the gorgeous Jingle all the way collection.
Did you know that the Jingle all the way collection has a binder specially made to match with the collection? Yes! I'm using it. The Holliday binder comes with 8 snap pages, 1 pocket, and 12 pockets pages. It’s gorgeous!
To make the cover I used a vellum, two ribbons, one pompom and 3 pieces of artificial pine branches. To the embellishment I added “Hello December” from Foam stickers and some brads.
For the inside I decided to start with an acetate. I love these effects we are able to produce with these transparent pages.
In order to add some texture, I used cotton thread to embroider some pages. I love this effect.
I also created a countdown until Christmas Day. It’s a fun way to count until this special moment arrives.
I chose pocket pages and some flip pockets. With this I can have more space for photos and it also gives my album some interactive touch.
Creating shakers with frames is something I love to do. It gives it a special touch and looks beautiful!
Another thing that I like to do is to make a hole on the chipboard and add it on the ringer of my binder. It’s a fun way to use the chipboards. Another way to use the chipboard is to make a paperclip.
I hope you’ve got some inspiration from this idea and enjoyed it!
If you have any questions, would like to talk some more about Sn@p! or watch a video showing the inside of the album, come and check out my IG account.
Thanks for stopping by and have a creative day!
1 comment
Beautiful project 😍