Go. See. Do! by Christine Meyer

Go. See. Do! by Christine Meyer
Can you believe April is almost half over? That means the travel season for many families is right around the corner, and hopefully, this year there will be more travelling available! Christine joining you today with a layout showcasing the Safe Travels collection as well has the 4 X 4 Page Template! This travel themed layout has 8 pictures on it - showcasing all of our travels from 2019.
This collection has so many neat colors and patterns that I wanted to be able to showcase. I decided to build a grid background so that I could use multiple papers! From looking at this, you probably can't even tell that I used a page template, but I did! Here's where I used it.
The 4 X 4 template was perfect for building my background. While these templates are great for beginners, they also can be a great place to start on a more complicated layout too. They kind of work like a sketch in helping you get started and then building layers on top of it. You can really see how I used this in my process video for this layout which you can find on my YouTube Channel.
In addition to creating a grid, I also did some color blocking within it, focusing each square of the grid on one color. I added in 2 pictures to each grid square.
I used coordinating tags from the Tags patterned paper to further my color blocking. Each square also got  a phrase from the cardstock sticker sheet in the matching color.
This shade of pink is such a fun and unexpected addition to the color scheme of this collection and really makes it unique!
I don't want to finish things off without mentioning my title. I cut this large circle out from a paper in the 6 X 8 paper pad. Those pads are always a great place to grab titles from!
Thanks so much for joining me today - I hope we are all able to get some travels in soon so you can use this fabulous travel collection!

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